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How to Find EORI Number by Company Name: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Find EORI Number by Company Name

Finding the EORI (Economic Operators Registration and Identification) number for a company is an important task for businesses engaged in international trade. The EORI number is a unique identifier assigned to businesses by customs authorities, and it is used for all customs procedures when trading goods. It is crucial for companies to have this number in order to facilitate smooth and efficient customs processes.

Searching EORI number company name straightforward process know look. Methods resources help find EORI number specific company:

1. Check Company

first direct way obtain EORI number company contact company directly. Many businesses are aware of the importance of the EORI number and will readily provide it upon request. If business relationship company, supplier customer, provide EORI number you.

2.Government Customs Authority Website

Another way to find an EORI number is to visit the website of the customs authority in the country where the company is registered. Most customs authorities have an online database or search tool that allows users to look up EORI numbers by company name. By entering the company name into the search tool, you can retrieve the corresponding EORI number.

3.European Union`s EORI Number Validation Service

The European Union provides a centralized EORI number validation service, which allows users to check the validity of an EORI number by entering the company name or the EORI number itself. Useful tool verifying EORI numbers ensuring correct date.

4. Utilize Business Directories and Databases

There are various business directories and databases that contain EORI numbers for companies engaged in international trade. These resources can be valuable for finding EORI numbers by company name, especially for companies that are not easily accessible through other means.

Obtaining the EORI number for a company is essential for businesses involved in international trade. By utilizing methods resources outlined above, easily How to Find EORI Number by Company Name. Whether through direct communication with the company, government websites, or centralized validation services, there are several avenues for obtaining this important identifier.


Frequently Asked Questions

popular legal questions answers How to Find EORI Number by Company Name:

Question Answer
1. Can I find a company`s EORI number by its name? Yes, you can find a company`s EORI number by searching for it in the EU`s EORI database or by contacting the company directly to obtain this information.
2. Is it legal to search for a company`s EORI number without their permission? Yes, it is legal to search for a company`s EORI number as it is public information that is necessary for conducting business and trade within the EU.
3. What are the potential implications of using a company`s EORI number without their permission? Using a company`s EORI number without their permission could lead to legal repercussions such as copyright infringement or unauthorized use of their intellectual property.
4. Can I use a company`s EORI number to track their imports and exports? Yes, a company`s EORI number can be used to track their imports and exports as it is a unique identifier assigned to them for this purpose.
5. How can I verify the legitimacy of a company`s EORI number? You can verify the legitimacy of a company`s EORI number by cross-referencing it with the official EORI database maintained by the EU.
6. What can I do if I cannot find a company`s EORI number? If you cannot find a company`s EORI number, you can reach out to customs authorities or trade associations for assistance in obtaining this information.
7. Are there any fees associated with obtaining a company`s EORI number? No, there are no fees associated with obtaining a company`s EORI number as it is a standard registration process for businesses engaged in international trade.
8. Can I search for a company`s EORI number outside of the EU? No, the EORI number is specific to the EU and cannot be used to track companies outside of this jurisdiction.
9. What should I do if I suspect a company is using a fake EORI number? If you suspect a company is using a fake EORI number, you should report this to the relevant customs authorities for further investigation.
10. How often does a company`s EORI number change? A company`s EORI number typically does not change unless there is a significant change in their legal status or business operations.


Legal Contract for Finding EORI Number by Company Name

This legal contract („Contract”) is entered into as of the date of acceptance by the parties involved, hereinafter referred to as „Effective Date”, by and between the party seeking an EORI number, hereinafter referred to as „Company”, and the authorities responsible for issuing EORI numbers, hereinafter referred to as „Authorities”.

1. Definitions

1.1 „EORI” means Economic Operators Registration and Identification number, which is a unique identifier assigned to economic operators engaged in the import and export of goods within the European Union.

1.2 „Company Name” means the legal name of the company seeking an EORI number.

2. Obligations Company

2.1 The Company shall provide accurate and complete information about its legal name and business activities to the Authorities for the purpose of obtaining an EORI number.

2.2 The Company shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to the import and export of goods within the European Union.

3. Obligations Authorities

3.1 The Authorities shall verify the information provided by the Company and issue an EORI number in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

3.2 The Authorities shall maintain the confidentiality of the Company`s information and use it only for the purpose of issuing the EORI number.

4. Governing Law

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the European Union.

5. Dispute Resolution

Any dispute arising connection Contract shall resolved arbitration accordance rules European Court Justice.

6. Entire Agreement

This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Company and the Authorities with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether oral or written.